
What is AfroFuturism?

Old images of the future were filled with flying cars and smart robots. But they often left out Black people. To change that, Black science fiction writers, artists and others began AfroFuturism.

One of the most famous AfroFuturist movies was Black Panther.

Can you match the African tradition to its Black Panther counterpart?

How to Play:

Click and drag a Black Panther actor to the original African design (on the right) that you think is a match.

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Artist Shani Crowe created these braids for her AfroFuturist art show.

It was such a big success that Beyonce’s sister Solange hired her to make an AfroFuturist hair style. She wore that for her appearance on Saturday Night Live. The blue colors are from tiny crystals in the braids.

If you were hired to make an AfroFuturist style for a musician, who would you want that to be? How would you make the style?

Another idea for AfroFuturist braiding comes from the book Binti by Nnedi Okorafor. She wrote a story in which a young African girl has parents who are mathematicians. So they code some family stories in her hair.

How would you create a code in braiding? In the app below, you can enter your name in the box labeled “letters”. Can you figure out what rule it uses to turn letters into colors?

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