C-STEM Summer Interns preparing for the Black Arts and Cultural Festival

Aug. 2, 2017

Author: bbabbitt

C-STEM summer interns spent the day working with the Arduino controlled pH sensor and the new data visualization software, in preparation for the Black Arts and Cultural Festival, being held this weekend at Empire State Plaza in downtown Albany. The interns also constructed a banner with the colors of the pH chart to help them explain what pH measures and how this relates to hair care products. Some hair care products have either high or low pH measures making them harsh on different hair types.

Ms. Love overseeing pH work

Ms. Love (standing) oversees the pH work with the C-STEM interns. Ms. Love is a cosmetology teacher at the Abrookin Career and Technical Center and is a driving force behind C-STEM presenting at the Festival.

Interns with Ms. Foi

Ms. Lakisha Foi (middle, back) works with interns, testing various hair care products including some natural products that she designed.